Designed for collaborative teams who serve children, parents, and family members affected by substance use, co-occurring mental health challenges, and involvement with child welfare services. The toolkit will help teams 1) gain valuable insights into the interplay between trauma and substance use disorders and 2) identify, assess, and enhance their current policies and practices to be more trauma-informed and responsive to the needs of those they serve.
Date: October 01, 2024
Provides 1) an overview of the toolkit and 2) instructions on how to use the Collaborative Trauma-Informed Care Tool to implement trauma... (Read More)National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare, 2024
Offers collaborative teams an overview of 1) trauma-informed care, 2) the differing...(Read More)National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare, 2024
Helps state- and local-level collaborative teams identify and measure the degree to...(Read More)